In urma cu ani buni, o prietena imi aducea din Israel o pereche de ochelari de soare Castro. Nu auzisem mare lucru despre brand, insa informatia nu a intarziat sa imi fie livrata, chiar daca intr-o forma nu chiar „stiintifica”.
„Este cel mai cool brand din Israel si sunt sigura ca daca ai veni la noi nu te-as mai dezlipi din magazin„. Mda banuiam eu ca trebuie sa fie ceva extrem de bun, insa o calatorie prin Israel la ora aceea nu era tocmai ce aveam in plan.
Peste cativa ani, Castro a deschis primul magazin si in Romania. Eu deja stiam de brand iar ochelarii erau in perfecta stare. Am dat o raita prin magazin si de atunci revin periodic. Deh nu degeaba ai prieteni… unii chiar te cunosc suficient de bine incat sa stie ce anume preferi.
Astazi aflu ca industria modei in Tel-Aviv a evoluat atat de mult incat are loc primul „fashion week”. Un pas important pentru zona respectiva, cu toate ca nu imi imaginez care va fi impactul unui asemenea eveniment si de ce participare se va bucura.
Pana una alta, citez din spusele organizatorilor:
„Tel Aviv is Israel Fashion Capital – fashion designers from avant-garde to classic couture are spread around the city –
here is a list of some of the most renowned or original fashion designer shops in Tel Aviv city. Many Fashion designer shops/boutiques are located on the Northern Part of Dizengoff or in general in the northern part of the city – in the south around Kolbo Shalom (a tall building that used to be the tallest in the middle east) Ahad Haam corner Herzel Street there is an area of outlets of many of the brands and designers, in Sheinkin and Neve Tzedek you can find
also chic boutiques.
There are many chain fashion shops Israeli and foreign the most popular Israeli is Castro there are many shops in the
city, the biggest shop is in Dizengoff center. Recently Castro opened a big shop in Tel Aviv Port that is open also on
Saturdays mornings. Also Zara has a great shop in Dizengoff Center and Mango has a shop only at Azrielly Mall.”